The Horizon Newsletter (ARCHIVED)
The Horizon is published twice a year, one for each semester. It features events big and small that students participate in. Students’ reflections of their learning and challenges are also documented. The photographs capture students in action and their joy in learning both in and out of school. Sometimes, the students are the guest writers of the articles. Don’t miss out our issues each semester to be kept informed on what YCKSS students experience in school. You can also find this on our YCKSS FACEBOOK PAGE.
Here’s our latest edition of Horizon 2023. Read how our students and staff continue to adapt and adjust to the every changing environment through our various involvement in the school activities and events.
Journey Through 2020
In 2020, in the year of COVID-19, instead of an e-newsletter, we decided to create a documentary to capture in film the rich narratives of different students and staff.
Here are 3 videos that document the personal stories as we navigated this challenging yet meaningful journey together through the different stages in managing the disruption to learning.
YCKSS Journey Through 2020 Part 1
January to March: School Life Before HBL.
YCKSS Journey Through 2020 Part 2
April to May: School Holidays.
YCKSS Journey Through 2020 Part 3
June to October:
School Re-Opens to a New Normal.
Additional Articles & News Broadcast
The first day of school re-opening on 2 June 2020, saw reporters from different news channels visiting the school.
You can read the articles or watch the news broadcast via the links below.
All Issues of The Horizon
- ISSUE 7 (JAN - MAY 2022)
- ISSUE 6 (JUN - OCT 2021)
- ISSUE 4 (JUN - NOV 2019)
- ISSUE 3 (JAN – MAY 2019)
- ISSUE 2 (JULY – NOV 2018)
- ISSUE 1 (JAN – JUN 2018)